商用英文 請幫我翻譯貨物運輸 急~~商用英文 請幫我翻譯~~~~20點
We notified our freight forwarder.Their agent will contact you in a few days.Meanwhile, please let us know :1-When the shipment will be ready in Keelung port.2-Please make the wooden boxes strong enough so that they do not get damaged. Usually in CFS shipments, the boxes are handled more roghly than full container load case, and we had bad experiences in the past.3-Please put suitable protective film on each sheet.4-Please do not forget to label the model no's on the back of each sheet.5-We appreciate if you add extra pieces of ordered models to help us to put in our catalogue here. 幫忙翻譯中文謝謝
We notified our freight forwarder.我們已經通知了我們的貨物運輸業者Their agent will contact you in a few days.他們的代理人這幾天就會和你聯絡Meanwhile, please let us know :在等待的同時,請你讓我知道:1-When the shipment will be ready in Keelung port.貨物什麼時候會到基隆港?2-Please make the wooden boxes strong enough so that they do not get damaged. Usually in CFS shipments, the boxes are handled more roghly than full container load case, and we had bad experiences in the past.請務必確認包裝貨物的木箱是很堅固的, 以免貨物損壞.從我們的過去的經驗得知,貨物運輸業者對待散貨比整櫃的貨物粗暴.3-Please put suitable protective film on each sheet.請放合適的保護膜在每一張上.4-Please do not forget to label the model no's on the back of each sheet.請別忘記每一張後面都要寫上型號.5-We appreciate if you add extra pieces of ordered models to help us to put in our catalogue here. 我們選購的型號如果你能多給幾張,讓我們放在目錄裡.我們會非常感謝你.PS由於不知道你們賣的商品是什麼,所以無法很貼切的翻譯...但希望還是有幫到你客人每一個問題都要回答喔雖然他們有的問題只是作確認的動作但他們很在意你有沒有針對他說的話給他回應
通常在 CFS 裝船,盒子被處理 roghly 更甚於完整的容器負荷情形,而且我們過去有差勁的經驗。
We notified our freight forwarder.我們已通知我們的貨運承攬公司.Their agent will contact you in a few days.他們的代理在幾天內會跟你聯絡.Meanwhile, please let us know :同時 請告知(下面)幾件事:1-When the shipment will be ready in Keelung port.貨物何時可以準備由基隆港運出.2-Please make the wooden boxes strong enough so that they do not get damaged. 請用堅固的木箱(裝貨),以免貨物損毀.Usually in CFS shipments, the boxes are handled more roghly than full container load case, and we had bad experiences in the past.比起整櫃出貨 ,在以CFS(=散裝)出貨時 ,通常在運送過程中 ,處理上比較有粗暴的現象 ,以前我們就有這種經驗.3-Please put suitable protective film on each sheet.請在每一個sheet(片?)上都放適當的保護膜.4-Please do not forget to label the model no's on the back of each sheet.請不要忘了在每一sheet後面, 貼上型號的標籤.5-We appreciate if you add extra pieces of ordered models to help us to put in our catalogue here.如果你可以額外多放幾片我們所訂的型號 ,我們將非常感謝. 這樣我們可以放在我們的目錄裡.(後半段有點怪怪的)
wooden boxes,container load,Keelung,CFS shipments,protective film,agent,英文,the boxes
參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1506122601834 貨物運輸