搬遷通知 中文/英文 公司搬遷 搬遷通知 中文/英文 20點 辦公司搬遷通知,我試著擬了中文的部分請各位幫忙提供英文的部分>_<"中英文如果有更好的修辭也請幫忙修改!!!=================================================給外部公司-中文XXX感謝貴公司的長期支持,本公司將於00年00月00日搬遷至新址,新址資料如下:請通知貴公司相關單位更新本公司資料,如有任何疑問歡迎來電祝生意興隆-------------------------------------------------------------給內部同仁-中文XXX將於00年00月00日搬遷至新址,請各位協助更新新址資料:感謝您的配合=================================================謹獻上20點感謝各位幫忙
給外部公司-中文XXX感謝貴公司的長期支持,本公司將於00年00月00日搬遷至新址,新址資料如下:請通知貴公司相關單位更新本公司資料,如有任何疑問歡迎來電祝生意興隆. Notice of Removal. Notice is hereby given that on and after the first of Decemember , 2011,the officeof x x x Co. will be moved to the new addressrequesting to be known as following;. With regard to your company concerned sections,Its addresswith all informations need to certainly to berevised. Please also accept my best wishes for your company booming.. Thank again for you support for a long time.. Yours truly,. x x x . 24 November, 2011.. 給內部同仁-中文XXX將於00年00月00日搬遷至新址,請各位協助更新新址資料:感謝您的配合Subject, To collegues forthe removal to a new office.. We hereby given that on and after the first of Decemember , 2011,ouroffice will be moved to the new address.. Please keep update all about the new address and the data you obtained.. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours . x x x. 24 November, 2011..
給外部公司-中文XXX感謝貴公司的長期支持,本公司將於00年00月00日搬遷至新址,新址資料如下:請通知貴公司相關單位更新本公司資料,如有任何疑問歡迎來電祝生意興隆To our valued customers:Please be advised that effective January, xx, xxxx our office will be relocated to the following location:Our telephone and fax number remain unchanged.Kindly update your record accordingly to the above changes. Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.We wish to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to your continuous support.Thank you.-------------------------------------------------------------給內部同仁-中文XXX將於00年00月00日搬遷至新址,請各位協助更新新址資料:感謝您的配合Please be advised that effective January, xx, xxxx our office will be relocated to the following location:Kindly assist in customer enquiries and particular update.Thank you for your co-operation.

公司搬遷通知範本,公司搬遷通知範例,公司搬遷通知 英文,公司搬遷通知信,公司搬遷通知 日文,公司搬遷通知英文範本公司搬遷通知,提供英文的,貴公司,公司資料,公司,搬遷通知,資料,With regard to,Sincerely yours,be known as


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1511112411281 公司搬遷

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