請問一句中翻英:請問我們已交的貨可以cover貴公司的需求到期貨交易 請問一句中翻英:請問我們已交的貨可以cover貴公司的需求到 請問一句英文翻譯請問以下英文要怎麼說請問我們已交的貨可以cover貴公司的需求到什麼時候請問我們已交的貨可以滿足貴公司的需求到什麼時候謝謝回答
請問以下英文要怎麼說請問我們已交的貨可以cover貴公司的需求到什麼時候?請問我們已交的貨可以滿足貴公司的需求到什麼時候?==> Regarding the merchandise already been delivered (xxx pieces), how long will they last, if we may ask.orRegarding the merchandise already been delivered (xxx pieces), how long will they cover your company's needs, if we may ask.「已交的貨」- "merchandise already been delivered" 因為我們不知道 交貨運輸的時間,最好在信件寫 已交貨數量xxx pieces 才不會誤會。

庫存/物料消耗量 是商業祕密 通常他們不願意告訴別人的。

並且 您不想要讓您的顧客感覺被 促銷(push),當問這種問題時要非常有禮貌 (" if we may ask")。

問句放在句子的結尾(how long....)。


The information will only be used to plan our raw material delivery schedule, so that we can provide better service in future....因為我們想要計劃我們的原料交貨日期,當他們準備訂貨時,我們可以及時地交貨...
請問我們已交的貨可以cover貴公司的需求到什麼時候We would like ask the goods that we have delivered to you, how long and till when will it be able to cover your company requirement.請問我們已交的貨可以滿足貴公司的需求到什麼時候We would like ask the goods that we have delivered to you, how long and till when will it be able to satisfy your company requirement.
Could you please tell me for how long our delivered shipments can cover your demands? orI would like to know for how long our delivered shipments can cover your demands?

先以中文為主來翻譯:1. How long can our last shipment cover your company's needs?2. Please advise how long the shipment we'd sent will fulfill your company's needs ?3. (Please advise:) The shipment we'd sent can cover your company's needs for how long?如果訂購是全部,你只是想知道什麼時候他們可能會要下一批:1. Please advise when you will need another shipment?2. Per quantity of your last order, how long will that cover your needs?3. When will the last order be exhausted?如果只交出其中一部份,你要知道下一批他什麼時候會要:1. When will you need the next shipment?2. How long will the last shipment cover your needs?3. When should I send out the next batch?
直接翻有點怪...我照大意翻...As for the delivered products to your premises, could you be able to tell us how long until the next time you'd be ordering from us again? (or how long does it take for all the stocks to be sold/used?)至於我們送去你那邊的貨, 你能否告知大概要多久後你才會再跟我們購買? (或是要多久你才會把這批貨賣掉/用掉)
How long will our released cargo sustain your demand? Till when you are in need to re-order?

需求彈性,馬斯洛需求理論,需求法則,需求價格彈性,需求曲線,需求函數,需求分析,需求層級理論,生理需求,需求評估需求,公司,英文翻譯,以下英文,delivery schedule,may,英文,merchandise,be used to,push


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1607070405669 期貨交易

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